Author: illyawner

Diary with an underlying condition 4

Diary with an underlying condition 4

Last night I dreamed I had a small device. I was singing the riff to “Let There Be Rock” and behold, it started playing the song. It was about halfway through when I broke out „Spirit-moves-through-all-things spirit-moves-through-all-things” and it seamlessly interlaced into “Science”. I was quite impressed with this when I woke up, we would need a…

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Jenny’s Ballad

Jenny’s Ballad

This is my first ever comic book, created nearly a decade ago. Built around one of my favorite poems, which in turn was based on Brecht who had Villon on his mind no doubt. Pondered to heavily edit, basically redo all the pictures but eventually decided against it. Granted, it is rather crude and rough…

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Diary with an underlying condition 3

Diary with an underlying condition 3

After two and a half days spent cooped up inside these new outdoor rules seem so distant that I need some time to adjust. By the time I get off the train though I’m back in the routine and this absurd reality feels like it was always the norm. Avoid, steer clear, eschew, shun, repeat. And…

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The intelligent horse – part I

The intelligent horse – part I

The intelligent horse is the story of an intelligent horse. The intelligent horse is: gone. So is the story, you might say, but the title is rather deceiving, it should read, “the story of the intelligent horse and other balderdash”, but I felt that balderdash shouldn’t be used in a title. And, anyway, the horse…

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Diary with an underlying condition 2

Diary with an underlying condition 2

A kite is stuck in a tree, swaying gently with the breeze. The tree is adjacent to a block of flats, maybe they tried flying it from a window, to keep their spirits up inside. ‘Let’s stay in and fly a kite Up to a branch that’s high’ I have never flown a kite. Never had…

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Diary with an underlying condition

Diary with an underlying condition

According to the Google doodle, spring is coming. It doesn’t feel like it. Usually, when spring is coming, the warmth, the heat, the bugs, all these annoying things make me rather unhappy. Not today though. Doesn’t feel like the beginning of anything. Tube is shutting down, 40 stations closed, mine is running but for how…

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