Author: illyawner



To be carried aloft! To be pampered and hugged! To travel by the window, nobody calling shotgun. To bring joy in the life of this small family on their weekend run. Then, when the wrapping is torn to fill your lungs with air, to expand and reach your full potential. To lay on the bed,…

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Under an arresting purple sunset, he was walking home. As he passed an overfilled dustbin something rattled inside. Inside the bin I mean, as he wasn’t troubled by rubbish. That was a familiar sight, and after all, it was just garbage. The rattling intensified as he strolled on and suddenly he heard a loud pop.…

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True Story (Or Not)

True Story (Or Not)

This morning a bottle lay shattered on the pavement. Remnants of a wild night or a clumsy shopping trip. Carefully stepped over the glass fangs waiting for a nibble and carried on. Imagine I stepped into one. Awful way to start your day. Sure, my workplace is a mere 10 minutes away, but still. Would have…

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The Heist

The Heist

On the last day of the summer vacation, Lil Johnny awoke to the sound of heavy boots thumping on the stairs. His father was at work, leaving him the man of the house. Peeked out the window, a white van stood outside. Listened at the door: men talking, tools clanking. He had no doubt about…

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Night flying

Night flying

Same road, same fence, same cobblestones, night after night as he was trudging home, beat after another boring yet hard day. Cursed loudly as he turned the corner, mainly to expel the voices out of his skull, but this only worked for a second, and they were back again. Most of them were grumbling about…

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