Category: random

Thirteen squeaks and a moan

Thirteen squeaks and a moan

‘Don’t do it! Don’t give up hope! After all, a bookseller became the richest person in the world! Keep the faith!’‘Why do you think I’m doing this?’ Murmured the old lady, and firmly pressed the button. The destruction was swift. Not only did the walls and dusty shelves of the old library disintegrate, causing a…

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As soon as he buckled the filthy belt he spotted him. Couldn’t remember the name, was just an acquaintance. Not close enough to talk to but close enough to avoid. So he closed his eyes pretending to doze off. Couldn’t help peeking from time to time and at one instance it seemed to him that…

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Killer List For Life

Killer List For Life

Yesterday evening we were joking with my wife that we should draw a dotted line on her tummy with the inscription “Open here”. Today, as planned, doctors performed a cesarean section on her. Alas, without the guiding line that we discussed earlier as she vetoed it. Can’t imagine why. And now we have a healthy…

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Sleeping Beauty And The Seven Dwarves

Sleeping Beauty And The Seven Dwarves

Once upon a time, there was a forest. The forest was there from before and probably will be there long after our tale is finished unless it’s chewed up by land grabbing. But the future doesn’t matter now. Only the present. The time that is upon us. And in this forest, in this time, lived…

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Jenny’s Ballad

Jenny’s Ballad

This is my first ever comic book, created nearly a decade ago. Built around one of my favorite poems, which in turn was based on Brecht who had Villon on his mind no doubt. Pondered to heavily edit, basically redo all the pictures but eventually decided against it. Granted, it is rather crude and rough…

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The intelligent horse – part I

The intelligent horse – part I

The intelligent horse is the story of an intelligent horse. The intelligent horse is: gone. So is the story, you might say, but the title is rather deceiving, it should read, “the story of the intelligent horse and other balderdash”, but I felt that balderdash shouldn’t be used in a title. And, anyway, the horse…

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