Category: random

A New Type Of Crap

A New Type Of Crap

He rose. All too aware of the significance of the situation. Finally, they are letting him read in the public library. He knew he will have to rise to the occasion. Besides getting up. ‘I am going to read this short story and…, well, all I can say is enjoy…’ Didn’t plan to stop between…

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Starfish on wheels

Starfish on wheels

Wheeeee!!! The little boy shrieked, as he whizzed down the pavement. He was confident he won’t be late for school today, moreover, he will arrive there in style. Effortlessly too. Just a moment ago he was in front of her mom’s workplace, drifting around on one of those wheeled office chairs, as was his habit…

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Grinning Day

Grinning Day

I had a bad day. Followed by a rough night. Now I’m having a lousy morning. So I decided to go to work grinning. I’m out on the streets. Walking to the bus stop, grinning. Snarling if you will. People take notice instantly. Some giggle, others awkwardly look away. Some are baffled while others are…

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Morning reflection

Morning reflection

Monday morning, standing in the mirror, putting makeup on. Focusing on my face, everybody says I look younger than I am. Suddenly I notice my hands, doing the same routine as every weekday morning, and I freeze. The routine stops. This is not my hand. Or at least, I don’t recognize it as being mine.…

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Minute stories

Minute stories

Welcome to my slowly expanding empire erm, collection of micro-stories. The plan is… well there is no plan, just read and enjoy! The average flat of the average man The average man living in an average flat had a distinctly unaverage idea.Got all the documents and permits in place, complete with a blue plaque. Advertised it…

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The hawk and other animals

The hawk and other animals

She nearly finished hanging the clothes when she was startled by a smashing sound coming from the garage. ‘What is this boy up to again!’ She sighed as she ripped the garage door open. She saw thousands of glass shards sparkling on the floor and in the middle of them was her nine-year-old son, clasping…

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