Category: Rotham

Jenny’s Ballad

Jenny’s Ballad

This is my first ever comic book, created nearly a decade ago. Built around one of my favorite poems, which in turn was based on Brecht who had Villon on his mind no doubt. Pondered to heavily edit, basically redo all the pictures but eventually decided against it. Granted, it is rather crude and rough…

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The intelligent horse – part I

The intelligent horse – part I

The intelligent horse is the story of an intelligent horse. The intelligent horse is: gone. So is the story, you might say, but the title is rather deceiving, it should read, “the story of the intelligent horse and other balderdash”, but I felt that balderdash shouldn’t be used in a title. And, anyway, the horse…

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The problem of Rong Bridge – Part I

The problem of Rong Bridge – Part I

‘He could hit really hard, so could we, fifty years ago, maybe forty, but now we were all over eighty, so he just knocked us out with a punch in the face. Heck, some cowards might have dropped just from the breeze from his swings. That’s what you get for attempting to board the bus…

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Rotham sur Real: – Part I

Rotham sur Real: – Part I

I loathe sentences starting with more than or containing more than this, more than that, more than happy, more than honored. These sentences are more than absurd, and I feel more than annoyed. Therefore I’m leaving this bed behind and going out in Rotham: for a walk. More than a walk, a stroll, an inane…

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