Category: Uncategorized

Three moans and a bit of silence (implied)

Three moans and a bit of silence (implied)

‘Order! Order!!’ Barked a wigged vampire. He was the chairman, Mister Reaper. ‘The UK parliament is in session now. All rise for the national anthem.’‘Do we rise too?’ Whispered a little zombie boy in the spectator galleries.‘No.’ Muttered his father. ‘We don’t matter.’They just stared as the members of parliament sang, howled, shrieked, and growled…

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Diary with an underlying condition 4

Diary with an underlying condition 4

Last night I dreamed I had a small device. I was singing the riff to “Let There Be Rock” and behold, it started playing the song. It was about halfway through when I broke out „Spirit-moves-through-all-things spirit-moves-through-all-things” and it seamlessly interlaced into “Science”. I was quite impressed with this when I woke up, we would need a…

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Diary with an underlying condition 3

Diary with an underlying condition 3

After two and a half days spent cooped up inside these new outdoor rules seem so distant that I need some time to adjust. By the time I get off the train though I’m back in the routine and this absurd reality feels like it was always the norm. Avoid, steer clear, eschew, shun, repeat. And…

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Diary with an underlying condition 2

Diary with an underlying condition 2

A kite is stuck in a tree, swaying gently with the breeze. The tree is adjacent to a block of flats, maybe they tried flying it from a window, to keep their spirits up inside. ‘Let’s stay in and fly a kite Up to a branch that’s high’ I have never flown a kite. Never had…

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