Category: Uncategorized

Six-pack pie

Six-pack pie

‘I would like a pie to go, please.’ ‘Sure, no problem, we have this six-pack.’ ‘I’m sorry, I asked for a pie.’ ‘I know, here’s our six-pack.’ ‘Six-pack… pie?’ ‘That’s what I said.’ ‘But I only need one.’ ‘That’s OK, no worries. You can buy this six-pack.’ ‘I don’t need six. I need ONLY ONE!’…

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Music Monday: Pressure by Muse

Music Monday: Pressure by Muse

Music Monday is a pretty obvious thing. You share music that you really like, and… yes, you do it on a Monday. The brainchild of a tattooed book geek called The Tattooed Book Geek. Ok, here we go, let’s do it, my first Monday Music post, or should I say Museic? Don’t think so, I’ve…

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Colhubris day

Colhubris day

On 12th October, AT 2 ( Anno Trumpini 2) my thoughts are inexplicably drawn to a person who landed on this very same day, 526 years ago. Out of all the hurricanes that made landfall in the Western Hemisphere he was the most damaging. By a landslide! He was a phenomenon. Far ahead of his…

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You move to a big city in a cheap tower block and get into a lift with an older resident who instantly starts chatting. Ok, so lift small talk. You move into a different country, a huge city, get into the workplace lift, say hello, notice the faces awkwardly turning away from you and then…

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Come On to Me

Come On to Me

Ok, so this is how desperate I am to break writer’s block: I am directing a music video for a Paul McCartney song in my head. Not only that, but I am also writing it down and if you’re reading this that means I’m dead. Erm, sorry, that’s just the pressure of clichés and B-movies.…

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Pep talk to oneself

Pep talk to oneself

I have a new mission: be more positive, celebrate success, learn from failure and move on. I’m contemplating the way forward and my headphone is shouting “I like suicide, makes me Jesus Chriiist” into my head but hey, it’s one of my favorite albums. Truth is I’ve deliberately chosen this album as it fills me…

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