Jenny’s Ballad

Jenny’s Ballad

This is my first ever comic book, created nearly a decade ago. Built around one of my favorite poems, which in turn was based on Brecht who had Villon on his mind no doubt. Pondered to heavily edit, basically redo all the pictures but eventually decided against it. Granted, it is rather crude and rough around the edges but it also has something else. Mojo, or something of that sort. And you got to keep the mojo risin’!

Fun fact: the hanged men are my wife and me. 🙂

Here’s a song that I recently discovered and I feel it’s somewhat related to this story.

A kindred spirit.

Sort of a soundtrack if you will.

Though it might be about a different Jenny.

It’s a great song nevertheless.

Since I can’t compel you to stay as there are laws against it why don’t you do it on your own? Stick around and read more of my short stories. All of them are amazing. Well, most of them are. OK, honestly, some of them are. Why don’t you decide for yourself? Take a look around –> Here’s a map!

Or, if you’re really adventurous, not unlike Jenny, get off the beaten track and read a random story!

This story is part of the Rotham sur Real: universe. (Yes, with a colon.)

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