Killer List For Life

Killer List For Life

Yesterday evening we were joking with my wife that we should draw a dotted line on her tummy with the inscription “Open here”.

Today, as planned, doctors performed a cesarean section on her. Alas, without the guiding line that we discussed earlier as she vetoed it. Can’t imagine why. And now we have a healthy beautiful baby girl. Both the baby and the mummy are OK, still in hospital of course, with me unable to visit due to COVID restrictions.

I can’t go there, but I can attend a gathering with my friends, which is customary around these parts. Nothing fancy, just a minor get together to celebrate the birth of a human being while getting pissed out of your head. Allegedly everybody is drinking to the health of our new born baby. I’m not a fan of drinking, nor am I a disciple of a cosmic relationship between a bunch of people guzzling alcohol and that benefiting someone else having their first night on Earth.

I like to get intoxicated with music much more.

So I thought I would rather toast our little daughter with a nice selection of fine… songs.

I used to call music happiness in a bottle though music doesn’t come bottled, quite the contrary. But anyway, enjoy!

Just a heads up, my world of music is about the music itself, notes, rhythm, riffs, melodies, guitars, bass and drum. Not so much about the vocals. Yeah, throw some lyrics in here and there, half of them misheard or misinterpreted, but mostly about the music. So all the songs that are on this list are here because they all rock. These are not songs that are meant to teach my daughter about life or some other majestic ideals, she was literally born today, she doesn’t know about words and concepts and metaphors. But she feels! And that’s all you need.

Talking about lyrics…, this one has none.

But it speaks to me.

Can you hear the bass?

No, honestly, you have a good ear, can you hear the bass?

I’m just messing with you, it’s all bass.

Is that nifty breakdown in the end based on the proportions of the golden ratio?

I’d like to believe that it is.

I always understood “golden rule” as “golden ratio”.

Maybe it’s just me.

I’m gonna get a thing

I’m going to get a thing

I’m gonna get a thing

I’m going to get a thing

I’m gonna get a thing

I’m going to get a thing

I know, I know, Lord, these are not the lyrics.

Nothing wrong with crazy.

Nothing wrong with chaos.

Crazy is good.

Chaos is better.

Still not about the lyrics.


Play with her, you’re playing with fire.

I have big plans for this song…

This is a link for the whole playlist on YouTube, in case you’re interested. Start this and all the songs will play obediently, one by one, in the order I intend to play them. Or click the three lines on the top right corner and jump to any song in the playlist.

But you should listen to all of them, in this order. I’m the DJ here 🙂

Since I can’t compel you to stay as there are laws against it why don’t you do it on your own? Stick around and read more of my short stories. All of them are amazing. Well, most of them are. OK, honestly, some of them are. Why don’t you decide for yourself? Take a look around –> Here’s a map!

Or, if you’re really adventurous, get off the beaten track and read a random story!

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Sam "Goldie" Kirk
4 years ago

I shall take the alcohol while listening to music. Best of both worlds.
The “Open here” cracked me up.

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