Minute stories

Minute stories

Welcome to my slowly expanding empire erm, collection of micro-stories. The plan is… well there is no plan, just read and enjoy!

The average flat of the average man

The average man living in an average flat had a distinctly unaverage idea.
Got all the documents and permits in place, complete with a blue plaque. Advertised it everywhere and opened up his average flat for visitors. Average people flocked to see his average flat that was now a place of interest as the living place of the man who came up with the idea of a home museum for someone who never was more than average.


The inventor of the time machine took the screenplay of Avatar and went back in time to 1990. He pitched the whole movie, shot for shot. The producers were not excited, thought it lacked this and that, tweaked it quite a bit and the movie ended up being a monumental flop.


When a higher power removed all the weapons of the world, down to the smallest pocket knife people struggled to slice bread and carve a roast turkey for a while but then they’ve found a way to wage endless wars again.

Who loves Mozart?

Our individual was well read, he picked up everything from books and he was knowledgeable indeed. For example, he was an expert chemist with new solutions discovered every day. Would read about supermassive black holes before breakfast and left brain right brain drawing before lunch. And he mastered them all.

One day he decided to be a hiker. Read a few books, learned the tips and, as usual, made them better. He knew you should “make loud noises to scare the bears away”, so he took a Bluetooth speaker in the forest and blasted Mozart out in the wild, especially the “Jupiter Symphony”. On his first day as a trekker he was seriously mauled by a bear, I suppose he never read the book about the instinctive love bears have for Mozart. Especially the “Jupiter Symphony”.


The young guy was sitting comfortably despite the large crowd on the train, though an old lady was standing too close for his liking. She was practically sitting on his lap, and his lap was getting warmer. The old lady smiled. Her legs were aching, but her bladder just got empty.

To be or not

MonaLisa’s doppelganger did everything to hide the resemblance. Shades, dyes, scarves – nothing. Fake mustache – libel suit from Dadaism. Don’t get me wrong, she loved the looks, but loathed the persistent pestering for a smile.

Fun and games

The new game show was a big hit. Player chooses the prize, said prize is dropped from a crane. Catch it, keep it. They called it: Weigh your chances! Only one snag: you always had to attempt to catch it. Most competitors still went for a car. As I said, it was a big hit…


There was an ancient tribe on the fringes of the sophisticated world. The elders were determined to keep out all the negative influences. They failed. Nevertheless, they vowed not to translate the new wicked terms into their language and use English words instead. This way, they thought, at least their language will stay pure.

Nowadays the whole tribe speaks only English.

Since I can’t compel you to stay as there are laws against it why don’t you do it on your own? Stick around and read more of my short stories. All of them are amazing. Well, most of them are. OK, honestly, some of them are. Why don’t you decide for yourself? Take a look around –> Here’s a map!

Or, if you’re really adventurous, get off the beaten track and read a random story!

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5 years ago

Not bad

5 years ago

Meant love! the rest. Typos…

5 years ago

Great. Not chuffed by the little old lady story, but loce the rest!

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