Starfish on wheels

Starfish on wheels

Wheeeee!!! The little boy shrieked, as he whizzed down the pavement. He was confident he won’t be late for school today, moreover, he will arrive there in style. Effortlessly too.

Just a moment ago he was in front of her mom’s workplace, drifting around on one of those wheeled office chairs, as was his habit before he set off for school. He didn’t like going to school, though he liked being there. His mom would bring him as far as her office, but he had to walk from there. Just under a mile, grownups would say, but it was an eternity for him. He loathed the walk, so to cheer himself up, he would sneak out with a wheeled chair from the office and coast around for a while. Just in the parking lot. But this morning he had a thought… Then all he required was a gentle nod, like the breeze from a butterfly’s wing clap to set him on course for the school.

And there he was, gliding briskly. What a marvelous idea this turned out to be. Granted, he had to steer with his legs, and get off the chair at crossings. Then there was that incident with a dog, with the leash to be more specific, but assuredly they will catch it. Eventually. It wasn’t as smooth sailing as he imagined it, but come on, man, Columbus had a rougher time. And…, and… Magellan never even made it. Yet there he was, sailing swiftly. And he just couldn’t wait for Church Street.

Riding a starfish on wheels to school, except that he didn’t feel like a fish out of water. On the contrary, he was waist deep in happiness and sinking. With the breeze in his hair. With a smile so broad that it was probably affecting the aerodynamic flow. But he didn’t care. Just sat back – literally – and enjoyed the ride, looking forward to Church Street.

He knew he was on to something. He envisioned himself as a grown-up, on a school run with his daughter. Father and daughter, sliding down the sidewalk, on two office chairs, casually talking like its most natural thing in the world. ‘Do you have your lunch?’ ‘Are you picking me up after school?’ ‘Did you do your homework?’ ‘You should have asked about that yesterday, daddy.’ Drifting by other parents stuck in traffic, politely splitting up to let an old lady through, then joining hands again.

He caught up with a few other kids who were reluctantly crawling towards the school. He said hello to a few, though most of them never acknowledged him. Up until this morning that is. They certainly took notice today. Gasps, shrieks, hands in mouth, startled eyes. He knew what they were thinking: what a fantastic idea! How come he came up with it though, out of all the kids? The common office chair a vehicle of coolness. A status symbol for little grade students up and down the country. The world. The universe! Even Asgard! And Krypton! Super, man!

Then on to Church Street. He was waiting for this ever since he set off. This street had a more accentuated slope. Fast enough to comfortably overtake the other kids, but slow enough to steer. Rolling down the hill he noticed that he’s got company. It was the dog that managed to break free when he ran over its leash. So they couldn’t grab it after all. And now there they were, two giddy beings skimming down Church Street. Couldn’t really tell who was merrier.

A gentleman, black tie and suit, was rolling down on a scooter, elegantly paddling with his leg. Johnny casually overtook him, didn’t even blink his way. He went on one side, the dog on the other. Fashionable geezer in a sandwich of organic glee.


This must be the finest school morning ever. Up until today it never occurred to him that school mornings could be good. He was passing quite a few kids now, and he could see the envy in their eyes. The jealousy, the awe at the side of the best thing since moist toilet tissue. Forget school mornings. This must be the finest morning ever. Period.

The prospect of exploiting the chair in the free period just dawned on him. Didn’t really think about it until now, didn’t think about anything that would happen after he arrives at the school. But milking the admiration and jealousy in the breaks seemed appropriate. Just jump on the chair and roll around the schoolyard like he was born on an office chair. ‘What’u doing, Lil’ Johnny?’ ‘Not much, just rolling around.’ ‘Just cruisin’.’

Yes, that was another swell idea, it seemed that he was literally and figuratively on a roll today. Just put it away for class and take it out for recess. Put it in…erm,…hide it behind…, huh,… leave it at… Uh oh. Leave it where? They won’t allow me to take it into class. Can’t drop it in the parking lot, they might steal it. And besides, pupils are not allowed in the parking lot. So where can I drop it?

Then it struck him. His mom was usually early to work and the office was mostly empty but by now there is certainly someone without a chair. Probably the whole office is a nervous anthill, searching for a missing chair. Nobody can reach the keyboard standing up! And there are some who know that Lil Johnny is usually fooling around in the parking lot. Oh boy, I’ll have to take this back.

Slid down from the chair, and swung around. Eyes to the ground. The dog was nowhere to be seen. Now he had to drag up the chair on Church street. Definitely a more accentuated slope. A mountain to climb.

I really did it this time. Mom is going to be livid, he thought. Then he started thinking about what will happen when he eventually makes it back to the school. He’s going to be definitely late. Definitely, not defiantly. The forecast was bleak. Punishment, mockery, and shame. The laughter already started. ‘Where are you taking that chair, Lil’ Johnny?’ ‘Ran out of petrol, Johnny?’ Unquestionably the worst morning ever.

Still, it was a helluva ride.

Since I can’t compel you to stay as there are laws against it why don’t you do it on your own? Stick around and read more of my short stories. All of them are amazing. Well, most of them are. OK, honestly, some of them are. Why don’t you decide for yourself? Take a look around –> Here’s a map!

Or, if you’re really adventurous, get off the beaten track and read a random story!

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