

As soon as he buckled the filthy belt he spotted him. Couldn’t remember the name, was just an acquaintance. Not close enough to talk to but close enough to avoid. So he closed his eyes pretending to doze off. Couldn’t help peeking from time to time and at one instance it seemed to him that the man noticed that he is merely simulating. This irked him and he vowed that he will feign sleeping for the duration of the whole flight. He would have preferred to fall asleep for real, but couldn’t. Tried hard to be smooth but this only made him stiffer. But he kept his eyes tightly shut. The stewardess made as much commotion as she could, lest he’d order something (it was a budget airline) but his eyelids never budged. The seat neighbor sought to wake him so he could squeeze out to the toilet but he soldiered on. A toy car landed from the back seat while the front seat was reclined in his lap but he still fake slept. Strange noise from the engine, eyelids solid. Turbulence, unperturbed sleep. Airplane shaking left and right, eyes shut. People screaming, the aircrew vainly seeking to quell the panic, brows unfurled. The oxygen mask was rapping against his head yet he didn’t open his eyes. The unlikely event of a water landing just became reality, but he weathered all this with eyes tight shut. The passengers, the aircrew, and even the distant acquaintance evacuated on inflatable dinghies but our hero was still faking a sound sleep.

Got to impress the fish.

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