The irregular activities of a regular bunny – part III

The irregular activities of a regular bunny – part III

Next day at work while looking out the window,

had the strangest thought: she was stuck in a limbo.

The same cars passed as the day before,

beneath her still a gaping sinkhole.

Took the train to the café, was again gobsmacked,

everyone was looking forward, never looking back,

voters thronged the train, heads tightly wrapped

the warden howled again and the rope still snapped.

Over and over every day was the same,

a dull black and white picture without a frame.

There she was, unknown to the other rabbits

like an uprooted tree, swirling down the rapids,

struggling against the waves, she couldn’t even scream,

and every morning she found herself upstream.

Only to swoosh down again, on the same stretch of water,

went down so often she recognized every boulder.

Ancient Greek bunnies thought about this before

but thought too hard turned it into a metaphor.

Then today, on her tedious way home

she tripped over a devious kerbstone,

nearly fell, but managed to stop the fall

by leaping in the air, breaking the glass wall

that held her back, so she jumped again

and again, like she did way back when.

A small step for a bunny, not a leap for bunnykind

but she didn’t care anymore, she was blind.

Tried bouncing higher and higher

to a place where no one could find her.

She didn’t want to fly, just float with ease

weightlessly carried away by a breeze.

In the air she felt fulfilled, whole

though it wasn’t much she craved for:

float, not fly, look, don’t pry

smile, not sigh, be open, don’t lie.

Twist, swirl, twirl,

spin, swivel, whirl,


fist pump!

You might mistake this for prancing,

but in her mind, she was dancing.

An ancient, tribal feeling funneled through

in a sea of lies, this felt unmistakeably true.

Symphony of defiance, song of isolation

her answer to a lifetime of desolation.

And a left and a right, wait! That’s not right,

there was no method, just an internal fight

with an enemy so far hidden from sight,

trying to break out from a cell too tight.

For the first time, she could see straight,

but from the outside, oh, I’m afraid,

she was just another bunny that hops

and this is where our story stops.

Since I can’t compel you to stay as there are laws against it why don’t you do it on your own? Stick around and read more of my short stories. All of them are amazing. Well, most of them are. OK, honestly, some of them are. Why don’t you decide for yourself? Take a look around –> Here’s a map!

Or, if you’re really adventurous, get off the beaten track and read a random story!

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